Kingfisher has commenced works for the Mick Well co-funded Government Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) drilling program, targeting the defined Mick Well carbonatite pipes targets.
Drilling and works contractors have been engaged, with all the necessary approvals in place. • Review of VMS style base metal mineralisation is underway, including the reprocessing of historical induced polarisation (IP) geophysics survey over the Kingfisher prospect.
Field assessment of Copper bearing structures which outcrop for approximately 2km and the old Kingfisher copper workings where prior exploration by Pasminco identified high grade rock chips from spoil piles and limited wide spaced historical RC drilling has intersected anomalous copper values.
Rock chips from recent field investigations and sampling of spoils from historic workings returned a number of high grade copper results with values ranging from 1.73% up to 15.3% Cu. • The review has identified historical data including a base metal drilling intercept of 10m at 1% Pb from 27m (MCRC1) associated with a surface gossan at Mombo Creek, with no follow up ground-based geophysics undertaken.