Initial Results up to 0.61% Li2O
More than 11,000m strike length of outcropping pegmatites mapped at Chalby Chalby.
Initial assays up to 0.61% Li2O from multiple stacked pegmatites highlight significant lithium grade continuity.
Chalby Chalby is along strike from known Thirty Three Suite pegmatites at Minerals 260’s (ASX:MI6) Pyramid Hill Prospect. The Thirty Three Suite pegmatites are also the host of lithium mineralisation at Delta Lithium’s (ASX:DLI) Yinnetharra Project.
Rock chip results from Chalby Chalby include:
0.61% Li2O (MWGS2784)
0.46% Li2O (MWGS2780)
0.37% Li2O (MWGS2777)
0.26% Li2O (MWGS2772)
0.26% Li2O (MWGS2788)
0.26% Li2O (MWGS2781)
0.25% Li2O (MWGS2783)
Follow-up soil sampling to assist with defining additional targets for drilling is scheduled to commence across the initial 3.3km by 3km Chalby Chalby prospect area.
Airborne geophysical surveys have been completed across the Company’s Chalba and Mooloo tenements and provide new and valuable information for on-going targeting using response signatures from the Chalby Chalby pegmatites.
Kingfisher Mining Limited (ASX:KFM) (“Kingfisher” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the first-pass results from its initial exploration targeting lithium-bearing pegmatites in the Chalba area of the highly prospective Gascoyne Province.
Kingfisher’s Executive Director and CEO James Farrell commented: “The latest results from Chalby Chalby highlight the significant potential for the discovery of lithium-bearing pegmatites within the Company’s Gascoyne tenure.
We have mapped pegmatites over 11km of strike at Chalby Chalby in an area which covers just 1% of our extensive Gascoyne tenure. Our mapping has also identified two other areas in addition to Chalby Chalby that have significant pegmatite intrusions, with individual pegmatites that are up to 50m thick. On-going exploration in these areas alongside our exciting exploration for high grade rare earth elements is now a priority for the Company.
We have also recently flown additional geophysical surveys across our Gascoyne tenure, completing the high resolution geophysics coverage for our tenure and providing valuable insights for the on-going targeting of rare earth elements and lithium”