The large-scale LK1 Prospect is located 30km west of the Company’s breakthrough Mick Well REE discoveries on a separate large shear zone, the Lockier Shear Zone. LK1 is more than 9km long and more than 6.5km wide and was identified by Company due to similarities with the Company’s breakthrough Mick Well REE discoveries.
Four large carbonatite pipe targets have been identified at the LK1 Prospect from three-dimensional modelling of the gravity and magnetics geophysics data. The two larger LK1 pipe targets are both more than 1,000m in diameter, extending from the near surface to depths of more than 1,000m below the ground surface. Surface mapping at LK1 has confirmed the presence of ironstones, which have returned anomalous REE rock chip results of 0.12% and 0.10% TREO

Location of the Mick Well and LK1 REE Projects and the Chalby Chalby Lithium Project in the Gascoyne Mineral Field. The location of the Yangibana REE Deposit, Yin REE and C3 Deposits which are located 100km north of Kingfisher’s projects as well as the Malinda Lithium Deposit which is located 45km north of Kingfisher’s projects are also shown.

LK1 surface REE geochemistry and carbonatite pipe targets. The REE geochemistry has been calculated from a suite consisting of CeO₂, La₂O₃, Nd₂O₃ + Pr₆O₁₁. The carbonatite pipe targets were derived from three-dimensional modelling of the combined magnetics and gravity geophysics data. Anomalous rock chip results associated with the southwestern carbonatite pipe target as well as the peak soil geochemistry value of 0.21% LREO are also shown.

LK1 surface REE geochemistry and carbonatite pipe targets derived from geophysics, oblique three-dimensional view